Health Clinics

Branch Health Clinic Mayport

American Red Cross

Phone: (904) 270-4365


Phone: (904) 270-3248

Aviation Medicine

Phone: (904) 270-4343

Behavioral Health / Mental Health

Phone: (904) 270-4280

Burial at Sea

Phone: (904) 270-4212

Case Management

Phone: (904) 270-4294 / 4341

CO's Care Line

Phone: (904) 542-2273

Customer Relations

Phone: (904) 270-4303 and ask for Customer Relations, or email.


Phone: (904) 270-4460

Emergency and Urgent Care

In an emergency, call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Room.  (Branch Health Clinic Mayport doesn't have an E.R.)  For urgent care, call our Appointment Line or Nurse Advice Line.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Serves active duty families with special health and education needs.
Phone: (904) 270-4250

Family Medicine

Adults and children can be assigned to a Primary Care Manager (PCM) in Family Medicine:  (904) 270-4270 (Gray Team) / (904) 270-4220 (Orange Team) 

Family Medicine has two Medical Home Port Teams:  Gray and Orange Teams.  It is the central resource for your health needs:  urgent, preventive, and routine.

  • Our team partners with you.
  • You can choose your PCM.
  • We work with you to coordinate care (including specialty care).
  • We connect you and your family to information and support.
  • You and your PCM work together to develop a plan of care. This includes:
    • tests and treatment;
    • short-and long-term goals.
  • A second opinion is available in our clinic.

For our Appointment Lines, 24/7 Nurse Advice Line, MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, or secure email messaging please see the Getting Care page.

Health Promotions

Offers individual and group classes, including:  tobacco cessation, weight management, health fitness, and nutrition.  Please stop by, call, or make an appointment.
Phone: (904) 270-5251


Phone: (904) 270-4305 / 5159


(904) 270-4302 / 4218

Lactation Nurse

Our hospital is designated "Baby Friendly" by Baby Friendly USA.  We're proud to support babies and moms.

Phone: (904) 270-4289

Medical Records

Phone: (904) 270-4242

Mental Health / Behavioral Health

Phone: (904) 270-4280

Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB / GYN)

Services include cancer screenings, contraception, prenatal care, and management of menstrual disorders.  For educational classes on pregnancy, birth, and newborns, call (904) 542-BABY (2229).
Walk-In Same-Day Contraception Clinic:  Wednesdays (7:30 – 10:30 a.m. and 1 – 3 p.m.).
Phone: (904) 270-4270 / 4209

Occupational Health

Phone: (904) 270-4346


Phone: (904) 270-4328


Children can be assigned to a Primary Care Manager (PCM) in Pediatrics:  (904) 270-4210

Pediatrics has one Medical Home Port Team:  Pink Team.  It is the central resource for your child's health needs:  urgent, preventive, and routine.

  • Our team partners with you.
  • You can choose your PCM.
  • We work with you to coordinate care (including specialty care).
  • We connect you and your family to information and support.
  • You and your PCM work together to develop a plan of care.  This includes:
    • tests and treatment;
    • short-and long-term goals.
  • A second opinion is available in our clinic.

For our Appointment Lines, 24/7 Nurse Advice Line, MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, or secure email messaging please see the Getting Care page.

Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) / Pre- and Post-Deployment Health

Phone: (904) 270-4401


See the TRICARE Formulary (list of medicines).  Find out more about the formulary here. View Naval Hospital Jacksonville's / Branch Health Clinic Mayport's formulary.

Pharmacy Home Delivery

Skip the trip, with medications delivered to your home.  Includes refills by mail, phone, or online; and an automatic-refill option.  Active duty have no co-pay.  For other patients, your co-pay is for a 90-day supply.  So it’s about 1/5 the cost of TRICARE retail pharmacies for generics, and about 1/3 the cost of TRICARE retail pharmacies for brand-names.  To change your prescription to Home Delivery, visit Express Scripts, or download the Express Scripts app, or call (877) 363-1303.

Our Pharmacies

You can receive up to a 90-day supply (for most medications) with no co-pay.


Call (800) NAV-PHAR (800-628-7427), or refill online at MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. You’ll need your prescription number (on the label) and the last four digits of the sponsor's social security number.

BHC Mayport Pharmacies

Main Pharmacy:
(904) 250-6182
Monday - Friday:  7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Monday - Friday:  7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

TRICARE Retail Pharmacy Network

This option provides up to a 30-day supply, with a co-pay for each 30-day supply.  (Active duty have no co-pay.)  To find out more, contact Express Scripts at (877) 363-1303 or

Physical Therapy (PT) & Occupational Therapy (OT)

Phone: (904) 270-4265


Phone: (904) 270-4238 (at Family Medicine)

Preventive Medicine / Environmental Health

Contact us to report concerns about insects or conditions at on-base facilities.
Phone: (904) 270-4346


Phone: (904) 270-4223

Sick Call

Phone: (904) 270-4220

Sports Medicine

Phone: (904) 270-4265

Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program

Phone: (904) 270-4280 / 4350

Suitability Screening

Required for active duty (and accompanying family members) with orders to an operational platform or isolated duty.  This process should begin as soon as you receive orders.

Phone: (904) 270-4401

Contact Us


(904) 270-3248


(904) 270-4303


Aboard NS Mayport
Building 2104
2104 Massey Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32228

MHS Video Connect

Need to see a doctor but you can’t get to the clinic?  Use MHS Video Connect! MHS Video Connect is a secure, live video connection to your military provider here at Naval Hospital Jacksonville.

All you need to use MHS Video Connect is the following:

  • An email account so your provider can send you a link to join the virtual treatment room for your appointment.
  • Any web-enabled device with a camera, microphone, and speakers (computer, tablet, or smartphone) with internet access.

How it Works

Schedule Your Video Visit

Call our appointment lines to schedule a live-video appointment with your provider using any web-enabled device (computer, tablet or smartphone) with a camera, microphone.

We’ll send you an email confirmation with a link to your appointment.

On the Day of Your Video Visit

  • Open the email with the link to your appointment
  • Click the link or copy and paste it into your web browser
  • Join a few minutes early to meet with your provider
  • Enter all required information, including your current physical location, in case you need emergency services during your video visit
  • Make sure your microphone, camera, and audio are turned on before you click “Start”
Wait until your care team arrives, and discuss your health needs with your doctor. Once the visit is finished, click “Disconnect” to exit your virtual visit.

Tip:  The current versions of Google Chrome or Safari work the best.
To learn more about MHS Video Connect visit
Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in DEERS.